誰かを想いやる気持ちをサポートするべく立ち上げられたプロジェクト「MASH AID」。
その第1弾としてはリリースされたのが、アパレルブランド”Gorilla Tacos”と出張ピザ屋”TYSON PIZZA”とのコラボTシャツ。
そして、続いて第2弾となるアイテムのリリースが決定しました。その白羽の矢が立ったのが、米国・古着・サーフ・スケートボードにまつわるアイテムに現代のアレンジを加え、肩の張らない日常着を展開するJACKSON MATISSE。ということで今回、株式会社子供玩具研究所の所長であり、JACKSON MATISSEの主宰である渡邊雅義さんにインタビューを敢行。MASH AIDに対する思いや、リリースされるTシャツについて伺ってきました。
ーMASH AIDの活動を知った時、どういう印象を持たれましたか?
何を作るか相談していた時に、まだプロジェクト自体も立ち上がったばかりなので、わかりやすいアイテムがいいんじゃないかってことでTシャツになりました。デザインもMASH AIDのロゴを見た時にこの丸は、JACKSON MATISSEの(アルファベットの『O』)にハマるなと思って作りました。プリントもフロントだけのシンプルな仕上げにしています。
Not only a brand but also a t-shirt in which the relationship between people is incorporated into a circle
The project "MASH AID" was launched to support the feeling of caring for others.
The first release was a collaboration T-shirt between the apparel brand "Gorilla Tacos" and the on-site pizza shop "TYSON PIZZA".
The second item to be released is a collaboration between the apparel brand "Gorilla Tacos" and the pizza shop "TYSON PIZZA". This time, we interviewed Mr. Masayoshi Watanabe, the director of Children's Toy Research Institute, Inc. and the leader of JACKSON MATISSE. We asked him about his thoughts on MASH AID and the t-shirts to be released.
ーWhat was your impression of MASH AID when you first heard about it?
To be honest, I've known the project members for a long time, so I just felt like they were doing something new again (laughs). (laughs) I knew about their previous projects in the past, such as the earthquake disaster and the activities in Niijima, and I had participated in them. So, rather than feeling like I was doing something new, I felt that I was doing something that was in tune with the times, so it was a natural progression for me to participate in this project.
ーWhat is the purpose of the T-shirts you are releasing this time?
When we were discussing what to make, we thought it would be a good idea to make an item that was easy to understand since the project itself had just been launched, so we decided on T-shirts. As for the design, when I saw the MASH AID logo, I thought that this circle would fit in with the JACKSON MATISSE (O in the alphabet), so I made it.
The print is simple and only on the front.
ーまたJACKSON MATISSE×MASH AIDの第2弾があった場合は何かやってみたいことはありますか?
余談ですが、過去にイベントも一緒にやったことがあるんですけど、新島のイベントは2回中2回台風で中止なってるんです。あとブランド10周年の時も代々木公園でイベントやったけど、台風だったんですよ。なので、このMASH AIDのイベントをやるとなっても台風が来るかもなんでご期待ください(笑)
ーPlease tell us why you chose to donate to children's charities, which is the heart of this project.
When I was asked about this project, I remembered the UNICEF commercials that were shown during the Discovery Channel. It was about how a small amount of money can help many children in the world, and I remembered that this amount of money could do it. So, when I was working on this project, I had a vague idea that it didn't have to be that large, so I decided to use children. Also, the name of the company is Children's Toy Research Institute, so it seemed like a good fit.
ーIs there a message you want to convey through this project?
I don't care about a message or story this time. Of course, it would have been nice to do something that would generate a large amount of money, but I felt that it was important to take action on something that can be done immediately, even if it is a small amount.
ーIf there is a second JACKSON MATISSE x MASH AID project, is there anything you would like to do?
I have a vague idea of what I would like to do, but I think it would be interesting to make miscellaneous goods.
However, I would like to enjoy the freedom that comes from working here or the way we can add value. I'm happy to see our longtime relationship take shape in this way, and I'd like to continue to support it.
ーI feel that the design of the "O" circle is not just an initiative, but a product of human relationships.
As a side note, we have done events together in the past, but the Niijima event was canceled twice out of two due to typhoons. We also had an event at Yoyogi Park for the brand's 10th anniversary, but it was canceled due to a typhoon too. So please keep your eyes peeled for a typhoon when we hold this MASH AID event.
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